Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pork Chops with Roasted Pineapple

(Note: For you veggins out there, you can substitute tuna for pork chops.)

Ait guys, we're starting to get some momentum here.  Aiming for two posts a week, at least.  We are actively looking for "sponsors", then we can do some real fancy-pants stuff.  So if anybody has any ideas... Otherwise, we'll just keep cooking what's on sale at C-town; and this week iiiiitttttsssssss...


First thing's first, let's marinate some meat!
 Liberally season each chop with coarse sea salt and paprika.  Throw 'em in a bag with juice of one lemon, couple cloves of garlic, and some chopped peppers (jalapenos work,  we used these mini domincan peppers).
Before Marination.  For best results, prepare chops at least 5-6 hours before cooking.
After Marination.  You can even start this the day before.
You know what goes great with pork chops?  CHIA OBAMA!
Complements of Graham Gardner

But seriously, let's chop some peppers and onions.
With some more hot peppers and garlic, to taste
Time to start cooking.  For best results, I recommend using your oven's broiler for the chops, but you can pan fry or just throw it in the oven at around 350 F as well.  (For fish, it's probably better to pan fry).  

Actual Cooking Tip: When cooking meat such as steak or pork chops, leave it out for 45min to 1hr before cooking.  If the meat is around room temperature when you start cooking, the heat gets distributed through the meat more evenly.

Now, back to the typical nonsense:
Preheated the cast-iron in the oven with a nice knob of butter and some olive oil
After we threw that beast under the broiler, we dropped the onions and peppers in a skillet on medium heat.  Once the onions start to turn translucent you can throw in the garlic and peppers, season with a touch of salt and pepper.  Cook a couple minutes longer and remove from heat.
Like so.
While everything cooks, slice up some fresh pineapple into manageable chunks.  And don't forget those chops.  Bout 5-7 minutes per side should do it.  Pork can get a bit tough if you overcook it, though marinading it gives some wiggle room.  When they're done, they'll look like this:
Oh baby!

Remove the chops, then put the skillet on the stove with all that sauce:
Damn girl, look at that sauce!
Obama approves.
Now the Pièce de résistance:  Drop the chopped pineapple in the sauce, cook for bout 6-8 minutes, low to medium heat: 
Now plate up, son.  Top the pork chops with the pineapple and some fresh cilantro, onions and peppers on the side.  It should look and taste delicious. 
Pictured: delicious.
Optional step: throw on a couple fresh slices of avocado.  And by optional, I mean we forgot until the last minute.
Never too late for avocado!
That should just about do it!  I would recommend pairing with a nice crisp pale ale, but since Graham and I are extra classy (and poor)  we went with the extra pale ale (Rolling Rock).  Until some of you bums actually start following us, we'll continue to inundate your facebook feeds with friendly reminders.  Next up is Graham's chicken saltimbocca!  Get pumped.

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